
SUSE announces ‘tech and support’ product Liberty Linux – The Register

The latest version of an old friend of the jobbing support bod has delivered a new kernel to help with fixing Microsoft’s finest.

It used to be called the System Rescue CD, but who uses CDs any more? Enter SystemRescue, an ISO image that you can burn, or just drop onto your Ventoy USB key, and which may help you to fix a borked Windows box. Or a borked Linux box, come to that.

SystemRescue 9 includes Linux kernel 5.15 and a minimal Xfce 4.16 desktop (which isn’t loaded by default). There is a modest selection of GUI tools: Firefox, VNC and RDP clients and servers, and various connectivity tools – SSH, FTP, IRC. There’s also some security-related stuff such as Yubikey setup, KeePass, token management, and so on. The main course is a bunch of the usual Linux tools for partitioning, formatting, copying, and imaging disks. You can check SMART status, mount LVM volumes, rsync files, and other handy stuff.


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